You now know your Vanilla!

You now know your Vanilla!

It's been a long run protest to steer away from unrealistic portrayals.
While reading an article on decoding labels by The Whole Truth, we circled back to our own vision of creating "good drinks for all" and it made us realize how easy it would be to market a product if unrealistic depiction and false claims were legal.

Tap in for the guide by The Whole Truth to elevate your knowledge about ingredients and labels on food packaging.

The Definitive Guide to Smart Food Shopping

Imagine, Vincent Van Gogh sipping his Soly cold brew. What else could be the reason for his dizzy artforms, caffeine it is!


We can't produce a product before you with- this is coffee. As consumers we all need an influencing factor that helps us decide. The pool of information already avaible to you won't be able to tract down every query that you might have during those seconds when you buy a product.

How often do you read the ingredient list on products that you buy online or in grocery stores? Are you able to classify different ingredients that you intake? We will not be digging deep into stabilizers, preservatives or sugars today however let's talk about something that isn't a hush.

Vanilla Extract v/s Vanilla Essence  , Soly Weekly Dispatch Vanilla cold brew coffee

Vanilla Essence v/s Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Essence accounts for a larger market spread than Vanilla Extract due to reasons attribute to its elements in making- cost and resources.

As the name suggests, Vanilla essence gives you the essence of vanilla without using one instead incorporating artificial flavourings and colours to resemble the nuances of warm vanilla.

On the other hand, Vanilla Extract is made using actual vanilla beans that are soaked in alcohol or non-alcoholic mediums where the flavour is extracted by the liquid giving us a bold and warm base of Vanilla. Pure goodness!

What do we use in our Vanilla Brew? Essence or Extract

vanilla cold brew Soly coffee specialty cofffee

While a majority of the consumer market uses artificial flavouring under the covers of the essence. It is important as a consumer to be informed about what you intake. While most artificial food additives are not harmful to human health, we should avoid them wherever possible to steer clear of allergic reactions and food hypersensitivity.

We at Soly use high-quality Vanilla Extract in our Vanilla Cold Brew.

Common FAQs

What is Vanilla?

The aromatic extract of Vanilla is made from the bean pods of Vanilla planifolia orchid flowers. The flavour is often described as warm and floral.

Does Vanilla Extract contains Alcohol?

Traditionally, the extract is produced by soaking Vanilla beans in Alcohol however we use Non-Alcoholic Extract at Soly.

Is our vanilla extracts vegan?

Yes, 100% vegan and 100% castoreum-free!

Let this elf know if there is anymore questions that popped up in your head. Till then let's get you a can of goodness, we are done whining about the cold weather.

Tap in for your can of goodness

-Sumera,creative elf at Soly

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